7 P.M. to 9P.M. Every Wednesday Company 7 will be hosting a live Trivia Night. From time to time Budweiser reps will be stopping by to give away gifts, which will indeed increase the fun. 
We will do four rounds of live trivia from 7:00-9 p.m. Each round has 10 questions and 3 bonus questions covering all possible topics. Guests who participate form teams with as many members as they like and whatever team name they choose. These teams compete for prizes in each round as well as 1st, 2nd or 3rd place overall for the evening. Ties are broken and winners determined by a speed round of "Name That Tune".
To spread the wealth, each team can only win one of the four rounds, but everyone vies for the big prizes at the end and bragging rights for the next week.
In addition on Trivia Night we will have $1 "Nostalgic Long Neck Beers". We will also have $1 "Special Flavor Margaritas". Some of the ladies wanted a special drink for Trivia Night so for Wednesday night Trivia we will feature a Special Margarita for $1.00